Power House: Book and Movie discussions


When a girl understands how her emotions impact decisions she makes about her body, she holds the power to make better choices for herself. To explore this power, choose a book or movie from the power house category. Find prompting questions below to answer after you've finished one of the books or movies.

Power House: When a girl connects emotions to decisions she makes about her body so she is better equipped to deal with body image issues and practice self-care. With this power, she can:

-  Know what body image, health and sexual wellness mean for her personally

-  Understand how she personally reacts to emotions and how that influences decisions about her body

-  Understand what desire feels like in her body

-  Define what self-care is for her personally


1. Reflecting on the list above, and using passages from the book or movie, where do you see the main character using the power in her body?

2.  Reflecting on the list above, and using passages from the book or movie, where do you see the main character lacking power in her body?

3.  During the course of the book or movie, does the main character grow or change as a result of understanding how emotions impact her relationship to her body?  

4.  In your life, what are ways you understand how your emotions impact decisions you make about your body?  

5.  What is one of the skills from the list above that you want to work on with a friend or mentor?